Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How To Get A Bad Credit Car Loan In Canada

Today, it is essential for many Canadians to own a vehicle. Despite the fact that public transit, Uber, and taxis are good options, having your own car is a need for most people. However, not everyone can afford to buy a new car, even a used one. Even with the money available, some people may find it difficult to be approved for a car loan due to their bad credit. Thus, it is then necessary to find an option which will allow them to obtain a car loan despite a bad credit.

What is bad credit?

As someone requests and uses credit products, such as a credit card, a history and a credit score, they will build up slowly. All credit activities will be reported and assembled in a credit file at Canadian credit bureaus (Equifax or TransUnion). A solid credit score is a valuable tool that consumers can use to get loans, such as mortgages, lines of credit, and of course, car loans. There are certain factors that can affect a consumer's credit rating. If this consumer has been responsible for his credit, by paying his bills on time and in full, his credit rating will increase and it will be easier for him to obtain credit and loans.
However, when a user is irresponsible with their credit or makes late payments, their credit rating will go down. Then, once that same consumer has bad credit, it can be very difficult for them to improve their credit and get loans and other credit products.

Credit rating 101

In Canada, a good credit score is on average between 680 and 900, while a score below 500 means that a consumer has bad credit. There are 5 main factors that will determine how a credit bureau calculates your credit rating.
  • Your payment history corresponds to 35% of the calculation of your credit rating. When you use credit and then pay your bills (or don't pay them), all of your transactions are recorded and kept, which helps you demonstrate credit worthiness.
  • Your debt / usage corresponds up to 30%. This is determined by the amount of your debt, relative to your amount of available credit. For example, if your credit card has a limit of $ 5,000, and you use it up every month, making only the minimum payments, your credit rating will go down.
  • The duration of your credit is 15%. The longer a credit account has been open for a long time that you have used it responsibly, the higher your credit rating. So if you have multiple cards and are thinking of canceling one or more, be sure to cancel the most recent ones.
  • Credit inquiries recently made by potential creditors or lenders correspond to 10%. Each time a company checks your credit, your credit rating may be slightly affected. Secondary requests made by a person or business, such as an employer or a potential landlord during a background check do not affect your credit rating. On the other hand, the main checks carried out by financial institutions such as banks, lenders and creditors, will cause a slight drop in your credit rating. If a potential lender sees that you have too many primary checks on your file, caused by too many credit applications, your credit worthiness will be questioned.
  • Your credit diversity is 10%. This means that the more you use a variety of credit products, the higher your credit rating, provided of course that you use them responsibly.

How to improve your credit rating?

Improving your credit rating is a time-consuming process, but it is very important if you want to be approved for a loan. After all, lenders and creditors want to be assured that you will be able to repay them in full, and a good credit score is one of the best ways to do this. So, if you have bad credit, you can improve your credit rating gradually:
  • Get a copy of your credit report - something you should do at least once a year, even if you aren't trying to improve your credit rating. Applying for a credit report is a good way to find out how to improve your credit rating.
  • Challenge Any Mistakes- Once you have requested a copy of your credit report, you can review it for any errors caused by a lender or creditor reporting an incorrect transaction to the credit bureau or by the bureau itself.
  • Increase your credit limit - if you use more than 35% of your available credit and make no more than your minimum monthly payments, this can cause your credit rating to drop. To decrease the percentage of your credit usage, you can simply increase your credit limit and regulate your spending.
  • Setting up automatic payments - making late payments or forgetting to pay your bills in full is one of the most common problems that cause your credit rating to drop. So setting up an automatic payment system through your bank will help you stay on track.
  • Pay more than the minimum amount While making your minimum monthly payments is one way to avoid default, it's also a way to get stuck in a revolving debt cycle. To help improve your credit rating, not only must you make the payments on time, but the highest possible amounts.

What is a bad credit car loan?

Even if a potential consumer has bad credit, it is still possible for them to obtain a loan for a new or used car from various lenders, creditors, banks and other traditional financial institutions. With a bad credit car loan, a consumer with a low credit rating will be able to finance a car of their choice with extended payments over a period of time and a fixed monthly interest rate they can negotiate with your lender.
Despite the fact that many lenders do not provide auto loans to consumers with bad credit, there are many who will. So, if you have bad credit don't give up on the first rejection, and shop around for lenders to find the one that offers a monthly interest rate suited to your financial needs. Remember to take out a loan with a fixed rate, which means that your interest rate will not increase over time.

Who can benefit from a bad credit car loan?

Auto loans for bad credit are specially designed for consumers with a low credit rating. Since some lenders reject applications from potential borrowers with bad credit, and most cars are too expensive to pay off in one fell swoop, many borrowers will have to go to alternative lenders to get their car loan. . Borrowers can then discuss a reasonable and affordable payment plan with their lender, who in turn benefits from their extended activities as they pay off their loan over several years.
What types of cars can you get with a bad car loan?
Lenders who cater to borrowers with bad credit will generally work alongside specific car dealers. So, depending on your lender, the types of cars available for your purchase will be limited to the inventory of the dealer they work with. However, in general, you can expect to have access to a wide variety of new and used vehicles at different prices, such as the following brands:
  • Toyota
  • Honda
  • Volkswagen
  • Hyundai
  • Mazda
  • Subaru
Whatever brand of car you want, your lender will want to be assured of one thing: that you will be able to repay it in full no matter how long it takes to do it. If you have bad credit, the most affordable options will be the lightly used models from previous years and the base models that don't have expensive custom features. However, as long as your lender is assured that you are going to make your payments, you should be able to get the loan.

How to get a car loan approved in Canada if you have bad credit

If you need a vehicle to get from point A to point B, but your credit is less than favorable, don't worry, there are lenders who will give you a loan. That being said, you should prepare in advance. The following will help reassure you and your lender that you are ready to assume the debt associated with a car loan. You should start with:
  • Save - it's an important practice not only for getting a car loan, but for your finances in general. Cars, regardless of make or model, are a big expense that you will pay until you hand them over. Repairs, mechanical work and other expenses related to the vehicle (gasoline, insurance, etc.) must be carefully examined before making your decision. Not to mention the fact that the more you can afford the down payment, but also the payments and interest that will follow afterwards.
  • Complete an application - once you have organized all of your personal and financial information, and found a legal lender with reasonable rates, you can complete an application. The application process should be free. In fact, no legal lender will charge you anything before your loan is granted, because doing so is illegal. If your lender is trying to charge you for the application or loan insurance in advance, do not give them any information and walk away immediately.
  • Do the follow-up - after your application has been accepted and your loan has been granted, the best thing to do to prevent your credit rating from going down further and potentially going into bankruptcy is to make your payments monthly. If you think you may be in default, don't wait until the situation gets worse. Contact your lender immediately and inform them of the problem. Any good lender will be open to negotiation to establish more reasonable payments.

Do you need a bad credit car loan?

If you need a car loan but have bad credit, don't panic. As mentioned above, there are many lenders in Canada who will give you the loan you need with a payment schedule at a reasonable interest rate. It is all a matter of finding the right lender based on your financial needs. PrêtQuébec can help you in your search. We will be happy to put you in touch with a lender who will get you the right loan.